Equipa de colaboradores em teletrabalho, a utilizar o Portal YO! para fácil marcação de férias

With Yo! processes are fast and easy

Discover how to manage your team with everything you need, in a simple and direct way, always available wherever you want.

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Your priority is your business.

Ours are your employees!
Process automation

Long, repetitive tasks are automated giving you more time to focus on what matters, your team.

Employee management

Allows you to manage attendance, vacations, absences, expenses, as well as personal and professional information for each employee.

Up-to-date and secure data

Your employees' data is always up to date and secure through our cloud .

Yo! is always with you

With Yo! Mobile, your employees have complete autonomy and mobility at all times.

Yo! it goes with you, wherever you need it. Yo! it goes with you, wherever you need it. Yo! it goes with you, wherever you need it.

Attendance Record

Keep track of your employees' working hours with the clock in/out feature via web, mobile phone, kiosk and/or biometric devices.

Notificação do Software YO! para fácil registo de assiduidade e gestão de horários em trabalho remoto

Control of absences and vacations

Keep an updated and centralized record of your team's vacations and absences, through your employees' requests with an approval workflow.

Calendário digital para uma eficaz gestão de faltas e marcação de férias com aprovação dos managers


Access data by exporting a set of reports that allow you to consult the extracted data quickly and easily.

Screenshot dos Relatórios disponíveis no Portal YO! para rápida análises e tomada de decisão

Alerts and Notifications

Get real-time information through alerts and notifications, available for the Web and Mobile APP.

Feedback notification on changes to order states
Alert for any necessary action by the employee or manager
Notificações e alertas do YO! em Tablet e Smartphone para uma comunicação constante, mantendo a equipa coesa

Cloud and data protection

The adoption of cloud services guarantees information security in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Regulation.

The use of AWS cloud services (Amazon Web Services) guarantees the best market practices and complete data security
Developed to ensure compliance with legislation on Personal Data Protection (GDPR)
Storage package includes 1GB/shared license for enterprise, additional Storage can be acquired
Os seus dados estão sempre seguros e encriptados no YO!

Download Yo! for Android and iOS

Take Yo! always with you and clock in and out using your smartphone.

You can even submit requests for vacations, absences, and much more!

Smartphone com o perfil de utilizador do YO! disponível para download na app store e Google play

Get started with Yo! today

Discover how to manage your team with everything you need, in a simple and direct way, always available wherever you want.

Start Free Trial